Scheduling your evaluation is as easy as 1.2.3...
3 easy steps | 3 easy steps | 3 easy steps | 3 easy steps | 3 easy steps | 3 easy steps | 3 easy steps |
- Train your dog to task confidently in public.
- Collect documentation to support disability.
- Visit the vet and complete the evaluation form.
- Prepare or collect samples needed for tasking.
Training and Socialization should be completed before beginning the process of being evaluated with your service dog. Your dog will be put through intense, real-life testing and should be under control and maintain their composure at all times. As the handler, you should not have to raise your voice or restrain your dog in any way before, during or after the test. A healthy handler-service dog bond doesn't involve violence or abuse and none will be tolerated.After the training is complete, download the 2 forms, collect documentation that show that you fufill the definition of diabled by the ADA (this can be a handicap placard, medical forms, Doctor note on official letterhead or printout from MyChart, etc). Also please collect any certifications or titles your dog may have (AKC, OFA, etc), and any training documentation or certificates from training courses that were completed. Have your vet fill out the health screening form, the tasks marked on the form MUST INCLUDE the tasks you plan to evaluate with. Please email a photo of your dog for their ID to at least 48 hours prior to your evaluation.If the task your dog performs is a medical alert, please be prepared with a personal sample, we do not have samples available. If your dog is an allergen detection alert dog and you need help bringing the allergen to the test, we will provide a sample of the allergen so you do not have to come in contact with it. If your dog is a hearing alert dog, please let us know so we can make arrangements for a fire alarm or ambulance to be used. If there are any tools needed for your dog to perform their task (such as a bringsel, mobility harness, collar and leash, etc), it is your responsibility to have those tools readily available.
Set the date
Click here to view the availability for testing. The evaluation takes aboue 2 hours to complete, please prepare for slightly more or less. Evaluators are available to travel to your city for your evaluation for an additional cost. If 3 or more teams would like to test in your area, we can set up an event and each team get a $25 discount, and the travel expenses are waived under 200 miles. On the day of your test, do not forget to bring all required forms and tools. No treats or toys are allowed during the evaluation. While we agree intermittent treats and regular play keeps our dogs skills sharp, they must be able to operate without any lure to pass our evaluation.Below, you will find a study guide to help you prepare.
Pay fees & test
- Evaluation fee is $250.
- Retakes $50
- Re-evaluation, every 2 years is $100
Evaluation fee includes personalized landing page [ Sample Page ] with customizable biorgraphy that can be updated at any time. After passing the evaluation you will receive a certificate, ID card with ADA Laws and QR code link to your landing page, service dog patch, one free in-person training session per month, 25% discount on all additional classes, as well as advocacy services and referral help when you experience training difficulties or access problems. Teams must re-evaluate every 2 years to maintain access to all of the benefits we offer.
study guide | study guide | study guide | study guide | study guide | study guide | study guide |
part one:
Basic obedience and leash manners
- Dog should be focused, responsive, and their body language should show that they are content doing the job that is being asked of them.
- Dogs should not pull ahead, lag behind or wander away from the handler.
- Must demonstrate sit, down, stay with distance of 10 feet, and return directly to handler when recalled.
- The team is asked to demonstrate their task with no distractions.
Part two:
Public Access
- The Second phase of the test is public access testing. Teams will be evaluated on the dogs training when in 3 places of business, selected by the evaluator based on the questionnaire you complete when scheduling. The evaluator will select 2 familiar places, and one novel place for testing. Testing in multiple locations gives the evaluators a more comprehensive look into the relationship between dog and handler, and gives the team time to relax and become more comforable, giving a better feel for the teams true capabilities.
- Dogs shouldn't wander, sniff, cause distruption by jumping, barking, whining, begging, ignore cues or commands, act aggressively (lunge, bare teeth, growl or make contact that could be deemed as aggressive in any way with another dog or human).
- The dog is asked to demonstrate their task(s) in each of the three locations the evaluation is conducted at.
handler assessment
Handler is questioned on their understanding of the ADA Laws, state, and local laws pertaining to service dogs, dog body language, and their ability to safely and humanely care for a service dog. This isn't a part of the test that you pass or retake. We take this time to determine if the team could benefit from any of our additional training, education or services and connect them with the resources they need. If a team doesn't pass, they are invited to particpate in our weekly in-person training classes in Rancho Cucamonga free of charge for up to 3 months. Regardless of pass or under-trained (we do not consider any dog a failure), you will be granted all the same benefits as our tested teams including free and discounted training, education, phone support and a personalized landing page stating that your dog is a true service dog in training (SDIT), which is protected under some states laws.